Koda CrossFit Iron View


740 S Pierce Ave #5

Louisville, CO 80027

Koda OKC

Oklahoma City, OK


Koda Native

Bethany, OK

Koda Norman

Norman, OK

Koda Tulsa

Tulsa, OK

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  • Koda OKC
  • Koda Native
  • Koda Norman
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  • Previous WOD Posts

    Monday, October 1st 2018

    A1) 10! Sumo Deadlift (build to a heavy)
    A2) 10x Row 250/200m @ conversational Pace
    (20:00 CAP)

    B) 4 round Partner WOD
    400m Run with Ball
    50 Partner WBS
    20 Syncronized Pushups + Clap


    Monday 10/1
    12 min EMOM
    1: 250 m Row
    2: 20 weighted step ups
    3: Russian KB swings
    For Time:
    1000 m row buy in
    50 wall balls (14/20)
    40 burpees
    30 box jumps
    20 slam balls
    10 pull ups
    1000 m row cash out