Koda CrossFit Iron View


740 S Pierce Ave #5

Louisville, CO 80027

Koda OKC

Oklahoma City, OK


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Bethany, OK

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Norman, OK

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Tulsa, OK

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  • Previous WOD Posts

    Friday, 2/1/19

    Friday, 2/1/19
    5 Rounds for Time (20:00 CAP)
    500m ROW
    10 Hang Power Cleans
    RX: 155/105 SC: 115/75
    20 WBS (20/14, 10’/9′)

    KODAFIT: Happy Birthday Kaylie!
    Your BIRTHDATE is your workout!
    MM/DD/YEAR Everyone should have EIGHT movements!!!!
    3 ROUNDS!
    0 = 200 m. RUN
    1 = 200 m. ROW
    2 = 20 Slam balls
    3 = 15 KB Swings
    4 = 1 Min. Wall Sit
    5 = 10 Burpee Box Jumps
    6 = 12 Pull ups
    7 = 16 DB Thrusters
    8 = 12 Burpee broad jumps
    9 = 30 Double under OR 60 Single Under


    Beginners at 8:30AM:
    Partner WOD:
    A) 5 Min AMRAP @ 50% effort:
    5 Burpees
    10 WBS (Very Light)
    10 Russian Twists w WB
    *Alternate Movements

    B) Strength: Every 90 Sec for 8 Sets:
    3 Power Cleans + 3 Front Squats
    *Build as you go
    C) Repeat AMRAP @ 75%
    rest 2 min
    D) Repeat AMRAP @ 100%
    *Try to increase rounds as a team